Sundog CSA June 2, 2020

The 6th month of this year has begun and as of today, the first day of summer is only 18 days away. I sensed a difference in the land during the past rain as the smells of the earth were softening into that earthy sweetness that comes with growing things. I have also noticed that we can get a lot of rain in the gauge and still be walking out into the garden in a day or two so the temperature of the dirt is definitely warmer than it was a few weeks ago.

It is kind of strange how things work sometimes and I am thinking of locust trees in particular as I walk up the pasture path. Locust are challenging when walking by them or approaching them to cut down for firewood with their puncture ability that is in full view – lethal looking thorns and plenty of them. Tonight walking, I was breathing in a scent that is difficult to describe – so deep and filled with honey and earth mixed cleanly and enticingly and coming from thorn covered locust trees. I still remember the first time that I smelled it and went hunting for the source – finding it where I least expected.

We spent the weekend doing something – not the things on the to-do list though as it is still as full as it was on Friday night! Saturday was a trip to the vet for Georgia who has a foot infection and it was a long trip due to a tire blowing out on the truck less than a couple of miles down the road. With the help of her uncle, Katy was able to get the big tire off and then Dan arrived in time to put it back on. Seth, Izzy and I ran the jack and directed traffic or at least tried to do those things without getting anyone run over or squashed. After successfully getting there and back, we decided to load the last two pasture cows and that went a little more smoothly with all four tires staying up. Dan worked on the chicken house as the deadline is ticking closer and closer. Hornets objected to new residents moving in and punctured Seth which was all it took for him to give up chicken house remodeling to join Katy and I as we worked in the garden – transplanting and weeding. We are close to being done with transplanting – down to some herbs and a few flowers. I wish that we were done with the weeding but we are not even close to that goal.

The chickens had an exciting weekend with black snakes and chicken hawks hanging around. There was a lot of clucking and squawking but no injuries or losses. The pigs moved around – visiting with the neighboring calves and doing some excavation work on their own pen. Due to Georgia’s foot problem, I am milking outside while Katy milks Tubiggs inside. Georgia is adjusting better than Tubiggs who is upset that her “milk-mate” is not in her usual place. The goats take advantage of all of these changes to slip out the gate and eat all the “illegal” greenery that they can wrap their mouths around – flowers, gardens and trees!

YOUR BAG THIS WEEK – Organically Grown

  • Asparagus

  • Rhubarb

  • Lettuce

  • Garlic Scapes

  • Greens – assorted greens

  • Onions

  • Arugula

Cheesy Garlic Roasted Asparagus |

Grilled Garlic Scapes with Sea Salt

A warm sunny day at the end of May - Saturday. Katy and I were pulling weeds and hoeing a semi-straight row along a trellis where we planned to bury a row of multi-colored pole beans. This garden is some dirt mixed with a lot of rocks so it is not uncommon to hear the musical “twang” as you hit something solid trying to spread the dirt far enough part to plant. So we were vigorously hoeing away when we saw something different than the normal rock. It is hard to imagine how you feel when someone opens up your bedroom door without knocking and comes close to cutting off body parts or in other ways injuring you and you are still stuck in dreamland. Katy saw him/her first – a sound asleep toad, lying uncovered in our pole bean row. I had to tickle him a little and when I did, it scared him and he was up and out of the hole without so much as a peep but the look he gave us had nothing to do with “good evening or morning”!

Blessings of health from the hill – Izzy, Seth, Dan, Katy, Teresa, Jen and Zach

Can you find the sleeping toad?


Freshly “dug” toad who was not ready to be dug!


Potato blooms


Weeding in progress
